What Counseling Intensives Are
A Counseling Intensive is a focused form of therapy in a condensed amount of time that helps you move more quickly past the specific areas you feel relationally, emotionally, or spiritually stuck.
You’ll meet with one of our trained counselors for one, two or three-day strategic sessions designed to work through the deep issues or trauma holding you back.
With Counseling Intensives, there’s no easy button. But if you’re willing to focus and do the work, intensives can be a fast-forward button to help you realize what’s holding you back, move through it, and better connect with yourself, others, and God.
What Counseling Intensives are Not
Counseling Intensives are not meant to be a replacement for regular therapy. As a follow-up to your intensive, it is recommended you continue meeting weekly with your intensive counselor or another recommended counselor to stay supported as you work to maintain your progress.

Who Counseling Intensives Are For
Counseling Intensives are for individuals and couples (dating, pre-marital, or married) seeking emotional clarity, safety and/or breakthroughs in their lives and are committed to doing the deep dive necessary for growth.

Who Counseling Intensives Are Not For
Because of the emotional stamina required, intensives are not meant for children or teens. Additionally, intensives are not for those who have just found out about betrayal or infidelity in their relationship. In this case, a disclosure process will need to happen before an intensive.

Schedule a Counseling Intensive
To begin the Counseling Intensive process, you must first complete an Inquiry Form, indicating what type of intensive you’re interested in and what level of counselor you’re seeking. You can choose from one, two, or three-day options, either during the week or weekend.
Once you submit your Inquiry Form, the Counseling Center will determine the counselor who is the best fit for you and your needs. You can see our network of counselors here, including their individual rates of service. Rates vary by length of the intensive and the expertise and experience of each counselor.
After you’re matched with a counselor, you’ll receive an intake email and/or phone call. From there, you’ll need to submit a session fee deposit and all required intake paperwork one week prior to your scheduled session.
Please complete this Inquiry Form to get a quote and start the process.

Counseling Intensive Inquiry Form
Congratulations! In completing this form, you’re prioritizing yourself and your relationships and taking a huge step toward your healing. Upon submission, we’ll schedule your intake call to be matched with a recommended counselor and receive a quote for services.